Title III of the Older Americans Act is intended to assist elderly persons by removing barriers to independent living and adding to a continuum of care for vulnerable individuals. KIPDA AAAIL’s mission as it relates to transportation is to assure that older adults have access to their communities, including services, social activities, medical appointments and other areas that impact and enhance quality of life.
Transportation is provided through contracts with Louisville Wheels (Non-Emergency Medical (NEM) transportation in the entire KIPDA region and center transportation in Jefferson, Bullitt, Shelby, and Spencer Counties) and Tri-County Community Action Agency (senior center transportation in Henry, Oldham, and Trimble Counties).
Eligibility Requirements:
- Senior center transportation: 60 years of age or older
- Non-Emergency transportation – 60 years of age or older and not eligible for other publicly supported transportation
Transportation Services Included:
- Transportation to/from KIPDA funded senior centers
- Transportation to/from some nutrition sites
- Transportation to/from non-emergency medical appointments
- Transportation vouchers to reimburse providers for rides to non-emergency medical appointments.
How to access this service:
An intake must be completed prior to receiving transportation. To access senior center transportation, contact the center you are interested in attending. To access NEM transportation, contact KIPDA ADRC at 502-266-5571 for details.
Links to Other Community Resources:
Transit Authority of River City (TARC)
If you are a Medicaid recipient and need transportation to a Medicaid covered medical appointment, please call the Transportation Broker below to see if you are eligible for Free Non-Emergency Medical Transportation. Click here for more information.
You must live in Bullitt, Henry, Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer or Trimble County and have Medicaid you could be eligible for Medicaid Transportation.