Metropolitan Transportation Plan
Updated every four years, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), Connecting Kentuckiana 2050, is the planning document that identifies transportation-related needs and wants and project specific surface transportation investments through the year 2050 in the Louisville/Jefferson County, KY-IN Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA). Each transportation project that is regionally significant and/or utilizes federal transportation funds must be identified in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan.
Transportation Improvement Program
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range fiscal programming document representing the first four years of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan.
Public Participation Plan
One of the basic and most informative tools of planning is collecting viewpoints and opinions from members of the public to help inform policymakers. A requirement of the Louisville (KY-IN) MPO is to have a process in place to collect this information. This process is defined by the Louisville (KY-IN) Metropolitan Planning Organization Participation Plan.