The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range fiscal programming document representing the first four years of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan.

The TIP contains information about regionally significant transportation projects, including the scope of the project, the phases that will receive funding, the estimated project cost, and the type of funding that will be used. It is required to be updated every four years, and the Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) is responsible for approving it. 

Public Involvement Opportunity

The public can review and comment on our latest amendment to the FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program and Connecting Kentuckiana 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan until February 11th. These core documents contain requests for changes to existing projects and new projects. A comment map has been created to allow users to leave comments easily. All information about Amendment 8, including a packet on the project changes, can be found by clicking the blue button below. Questions can be sent to

Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program

Fiscal Year 2023 – 2026 TIP Project Listings

*Includes all changes processed as of November 26, 2024

Amendments & Administrative Modifications

Project changes are often necessary as projects develop and are achieved through the amendment process for major changes or the administrative modification process for minor changes. New projects that are considered minor must fit within one of the Group Projects categories. For more information check out the Group Projects Policy.

Annual Listing of Obligated Projects

Annually, KIPDA is required to compile a report of every project for which Federal funds were obligated (i.e. included in a funding agreement). The FY 2024 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects in the Louisville/Jefferson County, KY-IN MPA is available below

MPO Dedicated Funding Programs

As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Louisville/Jefferson County KY-IN region, KIPDA receives federal funding from the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) for several transportation programs. The table below indicates which programs KIPDA receives funds for in each state.

Program Indiana Kentucky 
Carbon Reduction Program   X
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ-MPO)  
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP-MPO) 
Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) X
Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG-MPO)
Transportation Alternatives (TA-MPO)  X X

KIPDA’s Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) can award federal funds from the MPO-dedicated programs. The following guidance document explains how KIPDA manages funds from these programs:

The TPC approved the Complete Streets Policy (CSP) on August 25, 2022. The CSP requires any new projects applying for MPO-dedicated funds to adhere to the policy by either providing bike, pedestrian, and/or transit improvements/facilities or applying for one of seven (7) types of exemptions.

KIPDA staff keeps track of each project that has been awarded MPO-dedicated funds. It is important to know how much federal funding has been programmed for each phase of a particular project. Programming a project means the funds associated with a particular phase are included in the current Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Staff also keeps track of the obligation of federal funds as well. An obligation means that the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) has agreed to provide reimbursement to project sponsors for project costs immediately or at a later date.  The following document provides information about the programming and obligation of projects that have been awarded MPO-dedicated funds:  

The following interactive map shows all of the current MPO-dedicated projects:

KIPDA staff alerts project sponsors when various deadlines are approaching. These include progress reports, cost increases, and phase shift applications. The following calendar outlines the activities and deadlines for FY 2024:  

Every 2-3 years KIPDA announces a Call for Projects whereby new projects can compete for MPO-dedicated funds. TPC has the sole authority to approve the award of MPO-dedicated funds. The following documents identify the projects that were awarded funding through a Call for Projects:

KIPDA staff updates the public on the progress of each MPO-dedicated project periodically. The progress report summaries are provided below:  

External Grant Opportunities

Please visit the link below to access external transportation grant opportunities for KIPDA planning partners updated as of January 3, 2025.

Previous TIP

*for administrative purposes only