KIPDA is always open for public input.
Feedback Needed for Amendment 8 to Core Planning Documents
The public can review and comment on our latest amendment to the FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program and Connecting Kentuckiana 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan until February 11th. These core documents contain requests for changes to existing projects and new projects. A comment map has been created to allow users to leave comments easily. All information about Amendment 8, including a packet on the project changes, can be found by clicking the blue button below. Questions can be sent to kipda.trans@kipda.org.
Stay Connected
Community input is critical to an effective transportation planning process. The MPO Public Participation Plan outlines how KIPDA collects public input.
Share Transportation Ideas & Concerns
Identify any location-specific transportation concerns or ideas through our Public Comment Application.
Please send general comments to KIPDA.trans@kipda.org
Public Comments Received
KIPDA staff collects public comments through public involvement campaigns. Those public comments are then disseminated to the Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) members for their consideration. A copy of those comments can be found below and, if applicable, a response or a statement to those comments from the TPC.
Public comments received from KIPDA’s Public Comment Application tool are below.
Updated as of February 23, 2023
Public Involvement Report
Staff reports on activities, website & social media data, and public comments at the monthly Transportation Policy Committee. Click the button below to view those monthly reports.
Federal Certification Review Information (June 22-23, 2022)
KIPDA’s federal partners were on-site June 22-23rd to ensure we are in standards of the federal regulations that allow us to operate as an MPO. An interactive story map to showcase the MPO’s actions was created. Along with the map, a survey was developed.
Click the button below to access the KIPDA Federal Certification Interactive Map and see the survey results.
Provide Input on Partner Initiatives
Broadway All the Way Survey
Broadway All the Way is a visionary transportation project to reimagine the Broadway corridor in Louisville, KY. Its focus is prioritizing safety, mobility, accessibility, and equity for all users. A survey is available to take at the button below.
KY 22/Clore Lane/Wooldridge Ave Intersection Study
Oldham County, in partnership with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC), hosted a public meeting to present design alternatives developed to increase safety and reduce congestion at the KY 22 / Clore Lane / Wooldridge Avenue intersection.
Your opinions on the design alternatives will be considered as the project advances. An online survey has been provided below and feedback will be collected through February 28th, 2025.