KIPDA Social Service’s overarching goal is to support community members to remain and thrive within their communities. With this goal, KIPDA partners with community providers to implement programs to support members in their homes. These services include; Senior Nutrition (Meals on Wheels), Caregiver Services, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Senior Centers, Health Promotion activities, In-home Services, State Health Insurance Assistance, and Medicaid Services. In addition, KIPDA provides community planning services as they relate to aging in place.

KIPDA maintains a policy that any suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation of a vulnerable person be reported within 24 hours of learning of such incidents. Abuse of any type is not tolerated. Clients should report any suspected abuse (including concerns about themselves as victims) to their case manager, and to the Kentucky Abuse Reporting Hotline 1-877-597-2331 as quickly as possible.

If you are a Bullitt, Henry, Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, or Trimble county resident age 50+, we need your input! Please take a few moments to participate in the 2024 Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults.

KIPDA Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living is conducting this survey in partnership with Polco, a trusted research firm and civic engagement platform. Developed by National Research Center at Polco, the questionnaire covers different factors impacting older adults’ quality of life, including local employment and volunteer opportunities, housing, accessibility, mobility, and physical and mental health.

Survey results will help identify the greatest challenges and needs for older adults across the community. This public input will support the development of related policies, initiatives, and community programs.

Take the survey today:

Age-Friendly Louisville Strategic Plan 2022-2025 Survey (Scan the QR code)

Age-Friendly Louisville (AFL) is committed to making Louisville a place where people of all ages can be engaged and active members of the community. AFL seeks to ensure that our built social, health, and economic environments support individuals in leading thriving lives.
AFL has completed our first 5-year plan which can be found on 

We are now working to develop our next 3-year strategic plan and invite you to provide input in the below survey. This survey is expected to take 5 minutes or less.
During the first plan, AFL focused on housing, transportation, community and health services, and social participation with respect and inclusion. In our next strategic plan, we would like to continue our work on these domains focusing efforts on education and advocacy with some expansion into additional areas. 
We thank you in advance for completing this survey, sharing your ideas, and for letting us know where your time and talent can be harnessed to continue the path of making our city age friendly.