KY Telephone Reassurance
Step 1. Create Client and Volunteer Profiles
Create Clients
→How to create a clie nt profile
Make sure to include at least:
Clie nt full name
Phone number
Date of Birth
Zip code
Primary site /provide r
Clie nt admin (the administrator that will be notifie d via Tasks if the calle r submits a concern or private note)
Make sure that the client’s profile status is set to “active”.
Documentation of Nee d
If needed, you can create a note on the client’s profile for the documentation of ne ed and pin it to the top of their notes page.
Double check that:
The note subject is set to “Documentation of need”
The appropriate program is selected
Enroll Client in TR Program
→How to enroll a client in programs
Double check that:
The program status is set to “active”
The correct site name is se le cted
III-B is selected as the funding source
Create Voluntee rs
→How to create a volunte er profile Make sure to include at least:
Volunteer full name
Phone number
Zip code
Make sure that the volunteer’s profile status is set to “approved”.
Enroll Volunteer in TR Program
→How to enroll a volunteer in programs
Double check:
You have selected the correct program for your site/provider
The program status is set to “approved”
Step 2: Match Volunteer and Client pairs
→ How to match Friendly Calling Pairs Note:
The start date of the enrollment is when the phone system will be active for that pair
The frequency of the calls is something you will use to monitor if your callers are
on track. Callers will not be notified of the frequency you set.
You will leave the “end date” blank until you would like to close the pair
Step 3: Monitor Calls
Four places to monitor calls:
The Friendly Calling Pairs Dashboard:This is where you can see all of your client and volunteer pairs and real-time updates showing whether or not they are making calls at the expected frequency.
Task Notifications: When callers submit their call notes, if they have a concern or submit a private message you will be notified via Tasks.
Service Records:Service Records are where your units will be recorded (1 unit per
completed call) automatically based on the calls that happen through the secure phone system. Your billing report will be based on your service records.
Reports: The Reports tab includes our standard reports and dashboards where
you can revie w data including total calls, unique clie nts reached, duration of calls, e tc. It is also possible to request additional custom reports if you nee d them.
Additional Admin Training Resources
Recorded Training Session 1 (password: N!ucA2 Ha)
Recorded Training Session 2 (password: 54JG7%AH)
Make sure to check out the “Help” section when signed into Mon Ami and use the Support channel (pink bubble on the bottom right corner when logge d in) to ask any other questions.
On the Clients page, click the"New Client" button in the right-hand corner of the screen.
Start to type a name in the "Client" field. If the name shows up in the drop down options, then that means they already have a profile and you should not create a new one! If it does not appear in the drop down, then click the "This is a new person" button and select “Next.” .
Fill in as much information as you have on the client, then click"Finish" . This will create the client profile. You'll now see that client on the "Clients" list.
DAIL is only requiring you to input the following information for Telephone Reassurance clients:
Phone Number
Date of Birth
SAMS/WellSky ID (this goes in the External ID field)
DAIL is only requiring you to input the following information for Telephone Reassurance clients:
Phone Number
Date of Birth
SAMS/WellSky ID (this goes in the External ID field)
Select “Programs” on a client's profile.
Click on “Add.”
Select the Telephone Reassurance Program and complete the following fields when prompted:
Status: Set their status to Active if they are ready to be matched with a volunteer for phone calls.
Active Date: The date they became active in the Telephone Reassurance program.
Primary Funding Source: Select II-IB.
Comment: You can include any commentary about their program enrollment here.
To finish, click the purple “Add program referrals ” button in the upper right hand corner.
On the Volunteers page, click the "New Volunteer" button in the right-hand corner of the screen.
Start to type a name in the "Volunte er" fie ld. If the name shows up in the drop down
options, then that means they already have a profile and you should not create a new
one! If it does not appear in the drop down, then click the"Add new" button.
Set the volunteer’s status to “approved.” Only approved volunteers can be matched with clients for phone calls.
Fill in as much information as you have on the volunteer, then click"Finish" . This will create the volunteer profile. You'll now see that client on the "Volunteers" list.
What volunteer information do I have to enter in Mon Ami?
DAIL is only requiring you to input the following information for Telephone Reassurance clients:
Phone Number
Address (at least a zip code)
Date of Birth
Email Address (a valid email is required for every volunteer in Mon Ami)
What volunteer information do I have to enter in Mon Ami?
DAIL is only requiring you to input the following information for Telephone Reassurance clients:
Phone Number
Address (at least a zip code)
Date of Birth
Email Address (a valid email is required for every volunteer in Mon Ami)
Select “Programs” on a volunteer’s profile.
Click on “Add Program.”
Click “Mark Approved” .This will allow you to match them with clients enrolled in the Telephone Reassurance Program.
To create a Friendly Calling pair, please follow these steps:
Click “Friendly Calling” on the left navigation menu.
Click “Enroll Client ” in the top right corner.
Add the client and volunteer names.
Then, select their check-in frequency (i.e., how frequently they should be connecting by phone) and the date the enrollment should start. You will also need to set the Service Coding and Funding Source (Telephone Reassurance and -IIBI , respectively) Note that they will not be able to start calling each other until the start date. If there is a set end date, you can also select the end date for the enrollment, but this field is optional.
Click “Save Changes” in the bottom right corner.
The Friendly Calling pairs report is an internal tool meant to help you keep track of the volunteer and client matches you have set up in your calling program. At a glance, the report can tell you which pairs are on track and which may need some support.
The On Schedule column will tell you if a pair has completed calls through the phone system at the frequency set when you enrolled them. For example, if the enrollment specifies that a pair should connect by phone twice per week and there have been at least two calls in the previous 7 days, then the On Schedule alert will have a green “Yes”. If there was only one call in the last 7 days, the alert will be yellow and say “Partia-l ½”. If there were no calls, it will have a red “No”.
The Last Connected and Last Attempted columns show the dates of the pair's last completed and attempted calls. The On Schedule column only uses the Last Connected call dates when determining if a pair is on track.