Telephone Reassurance

The guide below is meant to help you understand the features you’ll be utilizing and provide some ideas for what to do during this training & testing phase.

If you get stuck at any point, you can reach out to and we will be happy to assist you!

Clients & Volunteers Creating a New Client

Enrolling a Client in the Telephone Reassurance Program Creating a Volunteer

Enrolling a Volunteer in the Telephone Reassurance Program

Viewing a Client’s or Volunteer’s Call History Closing a Client

Deactivating a Volunteer Friendly Calling

Matching Clients with Volunteers for Phone Calls How the Phone System Works for Callers

Phone System FAQs

Submitting Feedback After a Call Deactivating a Friendly Calling Pair

Monitoring Activity with the Friendly Calling Pairs Report

Filtering the Friendly Calling Pairs Report Editing the Status of a Friendly Calling Pair

Service Records Reports

Viewing Reports Filtering Reports Downloading Reports

Clients & Volunteers

Creating a New Client

  1. On the Clients page, click the "New Client" button in the right-hand corner of the screen.


  2. Start to type a name in the "Client" field. If the name shows up in the drop down options, then that means they already have a profile and you should not create a new one! If it does not appear in the drop down, then click the "This is a new person" button and select “Next.”.



  3. Fill in as much information as you have on the client, then click "Finish". This will create the client profile. You'll now see that client on the "Clients" list.

    W hat client information do I have to enter in Mon Ami?

    DAIL is only requiring you to input the following information for Telephone Reassurance clients:

    1. Name

    2. Phone Number

    3. Address

    4. Date of Birth

    5. SAMS/WellSky ID (this goes in the External ID field)

    6. Age verification (see below)

    W hat client information do I have to enter in Mon Ami?

    DAIL is only requiring you to input the following information for Telephone Reassurance clients:

    1. Name

    2. Phone Number

    3. Address

    4. Date of Birth

    5. SAMS/WellSky ID (this goes in the External ID field)

    6. Age verification (see below)

    Age Verification

    1. On a client profile, go to the “Documents” tab.

    2. Click the “Add document” button. Choose the “Age Verification” template.

    3. Leave the program option and expiration date fields blank. Click “Add Document”.

    4. Fill out the form, then click “Finish” in the top right corner.

Enrolling a Client in the Telephone Reassurance Program

  1. Select “Programs” on a client's profile.

  2. Click on “Add.”


  3. Select the Telephone Reassurance Program and complete the following fields when prompted:

    1. Status: Set their status to Active if they are ready to be matched with a volunteer for phone calls.

    2. Active Date: The date they became active in the Telephone Reassurance program.

    3. Primary Funding Source: Select III-B.

    4. Comment: You can include any commentary about their program enrollment here.

  4. To finish, click the purple “Add program referrals” button in the upper right hand corner.

Creating a Volunteer

  1. On the Volunteers page, click the "New Volunteer" button in the right-hand corner of the screen.


  2. Start to type a name in the "Volunteer" field. If the name shows up in the drop down options, then that means they already have a profile and you should not create a new one! If it does not appear in the drop down, then click the "Add new" button.

  3. Set the volunteer’s status to “approved.” Only approved volunteers can be matched with clients for phone calls.



  4. Fill in as much information as you have on the volunteer, then click "Finish". This will create the volunteer profile. You'll now see that client on the "Volunteers" list.

What volunteer information do I have to enter in Mon Ami?

DAIL is only requiring you to input the following information for Telephone Reassurance clients:

  1. Name

  2. Phone Number

  3. Address (at least a zip code)

  4. Date of Birth

  5. Email Address (a valid email is required for every volunteer in Mon Ami)

What volunteer information do I have to enter in Mon Ami?

DAIL is only requiring you to input the following information for Telephone Reassurance clients:

  1. Name

  2. Phone Number

  3. Address (at least a zip code)

  4. Date of Birth

  5. Email Address (a valid email is required for every volunteer in Mon Ami)

Enrolling a Volunteer in the Telephone Reassurance Program

  1. Select “Programs” on a volunteer’s profile.

  2. Click on “Add Program.”


  3. Click “Mark Approved”.This will allow you to match them with clients enrolled in the Telephone Reassurance Program.


Viewing a Client’s or Volunteer’s Call History

If you want to view a specific client or volunteer’s call activity, you can do so from their profile. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Search for the client or volunteer using the search bar at the top of the screen. You can search using their name, email or phone number. Once you’ve found the person you’re looking for, click on their name.

  2. Navigate to their “Activity” page. You can see their prior call history right from this page!


Closing a Client

  1. Go to a Client’s profile.

  2. Click on the “Edit profile” button


  3. From the edit page, click on “Client” in the left-hand navigation.

  4. Change the status of the client from “Active” to “Closed”


Deactivating a Volunteer

  1. Go to a Volunteer’s profile.

  2. Click on the “Edit profile” button

  3. From the edit page, click on “Volunteer” in the left-hand navigation.


  4. Change the status of the client from “approved” to “Deactivated”

Changing a client or volunteer’s status to closed/ deactivated w ill automatically deactivate any of their Friendly Calling pairs.

Changing a client or volunteer’s status to closed/ deactivated w ill automatically deactivate any of their Friendly Calling pairs.


Friendly Calling

Matching Clients with Volunteers for Phone Calls

Creating a Friendly Calling pair enables a volunteer and client to call each other through your secure phone number. Additionally, it will add them to the Pairs Report so that you can easily monitor their call activity.

To create a Friendly Calling pair, please follow these steps:

  1. Click “Friendly Calling” on the left navigation menu.

  2. Click “Enroll Client” in the top right corner.

  3. Add the client and volunteer names.

  4. Then, select their check-in frequency (i.e., how frequently they should be connecting by phone) and the date the enrollment should start. You will also need to set the Service Coding and Funding Source (Telephone Reassurance and III-B, respectively) Note that they will not be able to start calling each other until the start date. If there is a set end date, you can also select the end date for the enrollment, but this field is optional.


  5. Click “Save Changes” in the bottom right corner.

Volunteers and clients do not receive a notification w hen you create their pair. You w ill need to notify them of their match.

Volunteers and clients do not receive a notification w hen you create their pair. You w ill need to notify them of their match.


How the Phone System Works for Callers

After they’ve been paired, a volunteer can call their client (or vice versa) directly via your agency’s secure phone number. Here’s how it works:

  1. The client or volunteer dials your agency’s secure phone number.

  2. The volunteer will be prompted to press a digit that corresponds to the client they are trying to reach

    1. If they are matched with 9 or less people, they can select the digit that corresponds to the name of the person they are trying to call (e.g., press 3 to talk to Dan A.).

    2. If they are matched with 10 or more people, they can say or type in the name of the person they are trying to call.

Here’s an example of how it would work between for a volunteer, Julie, trying to reach a client named Jane:



Phone System FAQs

Can callers leave a voicemail?

Yes! Mon Ami’s secure phone numbers behave like a regular phone number, so callers can leave/receive voicemails as usual. If they leave a voicemail, just be sure they provide your agency’s secure number as their callback number.

A volunteer called the number and was immediately forwarded to our office. What happened?

Most likely, they called from a number other than the primary phone number listed in their Mon Ami volunteer profile. Volunteers can only be connected to clients if they call from their primary number. Any other calls will be forwarded directly to the agency office number.

After I pressed a number to connect with my client, the call disconnected. After you choose a client, the call goes through like a regular phone call. There are a few possibilities for why it disconnected:

The client’s line may have been busy

The client may screen calls for phone numbers they don’t recognize You or the client may not have good cell phone reception


Submitting Feedback After a Call

If a volunteer completes a call that is longer than two minutes, they will automatically receive feedback form via email or text message from your secure phone number. The message will direct them to a link where they can share feedback with the your agency’s team.

The default setting is to receive the feedback form via email, but they can simply update their notification preference on their volunteer profile.

The feedback form enables volunteers to report on the wellbeing of the client and share a private message with your agency. They can report the client as: “Doing great”, “Doing okay”, or “I’m concerned.” If they report they’re concerned, an additional text box will appear where they can explain your concerns.



W hat happens to the volunteer feedback?

You can view a volunteer’s feedback at any time by navigating to the specific phone call. Additionally, you will receive an email alert from Mon Ami when volunteers express concern for the client as part of their post-call feedback.

W hat happens to the volunteer feedback?

You can view a volunteer’s feedback at any time by navigating to the specific phone call. Additionally, you will receive an email alert from Mon Ami when volunteers express concern for the client as part of their post-call feedback.

Deactivating a Friendly Calling Pair

When a volunteer and client pair are no longer calling each other, you should deactivate them on the Friendly Calling pairs report so you can maintain an up to date list.

  1. On the Friendly Calling pairs report, click on the 3 dots to the right of the pair you want to deactivate and click “Manage Enrollment”.


  2. Add an end date to the enrollment. When that date passes, or if it is already in the past, the enrollment status will change to “Closed”.

  3. Unless you block the match between the client and volunteer, they will still be able to call one another via the phone system. If you no longer want the pair to be able to call each other, go to one of their profile pages and click on “Matches”.


  4. Click “Block” next to the name of the match you want to deactivate.


Monitoring Activity with the Friendly Calling Pairs Report

The Friendly Calling pairs report is an internal tool meant to help you keep track of the volunteer and client matches you have set up in your calling program. At a glance, the report can tell you which pairs are on track and which may need some support.



The On Schedule column will tell you if a pair has completed calls through the phone system at the frequency set when you enrolled them. For example, if the enrollment specifies that a pair should connect by phone twice per week and there have been at least two calls in the previous 7 days, then the On Schedule alert will have a green “Yes”. If there was only one call in the last 7 days, the alert will be yellow and say “Partial - ½”. If there were no calls, it will have a red “No”.

Tip: Volunteers won't know the frequency you set on their enrollment, so set the frequency to match how you plan to check in if they aren't

making calls.

Tip: Volunteers won't know the frequency you set on their enrollment, so set the frequency to match how you plan to check in if they aren't

making calls.

The Last Connected and Last Attempted columns show the dates of the pair's last completed and attempted calls. The On Schedule column only uses the Last Connected call dates when determining if a pair is on track.

Filtering the Friendly Calling Pairs Report

You can apply a filter to get a closer look at your pairs, especially if you have a lot of them. For example, you may want to filter the “On Schedule” column to see all of the pairs that are not currently on track with their calls.

  1. Click the three horizontal lines next to the category you want to filter.



  2. Select the relevant information.

  3. Click “Apply”.

  4. The updated view will have only the information you want to see.

  5. To clear the filter select “Clear Filter” at the top of the screen.

Editing the Status of a Friendly Calling Pair

The status of the pair is based on the start and end date of the enrollment. To edit their status you will have to change these dates.

You can click on the three dots to the right of an enrollment and click "Manage Enrollment" to edit the start and end dates.


Service Records

Service Records are an easy way to track and report the services you provide to clients. To view service records, navigate to the Service Records Index page. From there, you can filter and sort on any of the present columns.


In Telephone Reassurance, each phone call that is completed via the phone system automatically generates a service record. Each completed phone call will correspond to 1 unit of Telephone Reassurance service. To report these services to external agencies, you can use the reports as described in the next section.


A report is a collection of data representing some aspect of your Telephone Reassurance program. For example, it could be a list of clients who have a birthday next month or a mailing list of clients that received a certain type of service during the prior month. Reports are highly configurable and can be designed based on your requests. If you need a new report built please contact

Viewing Reports


All reports are accessible from the “Reports” section of Mon Ami. Please note that you need permission to view the Reports section. If you don’t see that option in your navigation menu, please reach out to your MIS person for access.

Once you’ve navigated to the “Reports” section, simply select “View”

on the report you want to see.


Filtering Reports

Filters allow you to sort through the report to pull out specific information that you are interested in. For example, you can filter for clients assigned to a particular case manager or filter services by funding source. When you view a report, you will see tiles at the top representing the filters available for that particular report.


To use a filter:

  1. Click the tile that you want to use to filter.

  2. Select the relevant information.

  3. Click the refresh button to apply the filters you set.



You don’t need to reset your filters when you’re done. Whenever someone views the report, the filters will always revert back to their default setting.

You don’t need to reset your filters when you’re done. Whenever someone views the report, the filters will always revert back to their default setting.

Downloading Reports

To download an entire dashboard or a specific table click the three vertical dots on the relevant report. Then click “Download.”

image image

You will then be offered a menu of data options. The format of the report can be in whatever works best for you. The other data options should match what is shown below:

  1. Format: this is up to you as the user, usually will be csv or Excel

  2. Results: visualization options should be applied.

  3. Data values: formatted.

  4. Number of rows to include: all results.



Dashboards are a collection of multiple reports and visualizations on a single page. Dashboards often tell the story of a particular part of the system, such as an overview of your entire Telephone Reassurance Program. Dashboards can be found in the Reports section of Mon Ami.

Here is an example of a Dashboard:
